Friday, September 21, 2012


In olden days the monks of Burma, both in Burma proper and in Mon territory belonged to different sects and held different views. The practice of Buddhism could not therefore be preserved in its pristine purity. Dhammaceti, King of Hanthawaddy sent a religious mission consisting of forty four monks to Sri Lanka in 837 Burmese Era. (1476 C.E.) with a view to purifying the religious system in Myanmar. The monks on arrival in Sri Lanka had to be re-ordained in the Sima (place for ordination) in the Kalyani river. On return of these monks to Myanmar, the King had a new Ordination Hall consecrated in Pegu with their assistance and revived Buddhism on proper lines. This new Ordination was named 'Kalyani Ordination Hall' after the name of the Kalyani river in Sri Lanka. The Religious Chronicle and the historical account of this Ordination Hall have been inscribed on stone slabs which have been preserved to this day.

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